About Us
Griffin Art Projects (GRIFFIN) is a non-profit art residency and gallery located in North Vancouver devoted to supporting artists in the production of new work through its residency program, and in creating new research on contemporary Canadian and international art, artists and art collections from around the world in its exhibition program. GRIFFIN is a non-collecting institution that has quickly become a vibrant contributor to the North Vancouver cultural landscape and visual art practices in the region through its exhibitions, residency, and public programs. Griffin Art Projects' exhibitions and events are always free and open to all to attend.
Established in 2015, GRIFFIN was founded by Brigitte and Henning Freybe who began collecting art in the early 1970s. GRIFFIN considers the methodologies, thematics, and narratives that shape and direct both visual culture and creative work, and collecting practices. In addition, GRIFFIN supports and develops solo and group projects and thematic exhibitions of works, collaborating with established cultural producers, guest curators, artists, writers, and art educators in the region, nationally and locally to produce exhibitions, public programs, and publications on contemporary art in the region.
GRIFFIN also examines new currents in contemporary art and contemporary collecting practices to further research how collections evolve and are formed. As a unique new non-profit public visual arts organization modeled by the support of leading key philanthropists, GRIFFIN creates a platform for sharing these artworks with a broader public. GRIFFIN received its non-profit status in the spring of 2018. With its combination of non-profit public outreach, which is free for all to participate in, support for artists through residency and studio spaces, and the featuring of work from private, public, and corporate collections and collectors, there is no other organization like it in Canada.
Through the Residency Program, GRIFFIN supports the development of international and Canadian artistic and curatorial practices by hosting visiting artists and cultural producers from the region and the world. Participants receive studio space and, if non-local, an apartment, as well as introductions to cultural producers in the community. They also contribute to visual arts in the community through public presentations, workshops, and educational outreach to diverse age groups and audiences. GRIFFIN also develops and promotes new professional connections in Canada and internationally through the creation of a database of artists, as well as through outreach and public programs. In addition, public programs include local outreach through workshops, talks, and studio visits. Specialized programs provide direct access to contemporary artists who are engaged in making new work at the residency while our curatorial residency program invites curators from Canada and internationally to conduct new research on art and artists from the region.
Lisa Baldissera
Call for Volunteers
Griffin Art Projects is currently seeking volunteers to assist with a range of activities in its gallery and residency program, from gallery operations to special events. Please contact info@griffinartprojects.ca for more information.
Griffin Art Projects does not accept exhibition submissions. However, you can check out our Residency Program for upcoming open calls for eligible artists to apply.
Griffin Art Projects is grateful for the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, North Vancouver Recreation and Culture and Canadian Heritage.