Join Griffin Art Projects’ Indigenous Curatorial Assistant, Emmett Hanly, for a series of guided tours of Griffin’s current exhibition, Stan Douglas: Allegories of the Present, on Sunday afternoons throughout the fall!
Stan Douglas, Detail of Klatsassin Portraits (Cook), 2006, Black and white laserlight jet print, © Stan Douglas. Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro and David Zwirner.
In this selected group of photographs, this exhibition project follows Douglas’s eye as he examines the various image-based constructions that assist in history’s storytelling conventions. Borrowing widely from narrative structures such as the Hollywood film or classic literary work, his interrogations take us through visual accounts of the city of Vancouver and of the province, and of key cultural sites internationally, to broaden our understanding of how film and photography can be used to trouble the fissures of such storytelling, reconstructed historical memory and archives. This exhibition project concerns itself primarily with architectural and social spaces to produce what Douglas calls, ‘allegories of the present.’ Douglas’ work challenges perception and knowledge, demonstrating how important it is that we notice that things are not always as they seem.
Sign-up in the calendar below!