Lucie Camous
2024 Paris-Vancouver Curatorial Program Resident
In residency from April 18th to 28th, 2024
Lucie Camous, courtesy of Fantino.
In Camous’ artistic and curatorial practice, they adopt a political perspective and work at the crossroads of artistic, theoretical and militant forms. Mechanisms of power, dynamics of resistance and situated knowledge are notions that question and sustain all of their artistic efforts. Camous’ approach, rooted in intimate narratives, evolves around norms, their borders and the sensitive issues related to their desire to cross them.The experimentation and the elaboration of collective work practices informed the entire process of their project’s script. In 2019, Camous co-founded Modèle vivant.e, alongside Hélène Fromen, an artist and researcher and Linda DeMorrir, a DJ and model. Modèle vivant.e is an experimental and transfeminist collection of illustrations representing dissident bodies.
This residency is presented as a collaboration between Griffin Art Projects, Polygon Gallery and Cité internationale des arts, with the support of The Embassy of France in Canada and the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris.