Burnt Dust
Charcoal Drawings by AFK’s Studio Art Program Participants
January 10 – 11, 2020
Griffin Art Projects is delighted to be kicking off the new year with a special two-day exhibition titled Burnt Dust, featuring the works of twenty-four North Vancouver high school students in grades 10 – 12. Through pattern, texture, shadow and meditative mark making, each work in the exhibition inspires quiet reflection and close looking. This exhibition has been organized in collaboration with Artists for Kids Studio Art Program, as part of Griffin Art Project’s newly launched Youth Mentorship Program.
The works in this exhibition were produced under the mentorship and guidance of Vancouver-based artist, Sara-Jeanne Bourget, who completed a five month residency at Griffin Art Projects from August to December 2019. Bourget, whose own practice explores the “physical and conceptual interconnections between Rocks, Paper and Charcoal”, was Griffin’s inaugural Emily Carr University Studio Residency Award recipient. Bourget worked with students from AFK’s Studio Art Program over the course of three sessions in November and December 2019, facilitating a studio visit, art-making workshop and final critique of the works produced.
Griffin is thrilled to be partnering with Artists for Kids to make this happen and looks forward to future opportunities for collaboration. Artists for Kids was established in 1989 through a generous partnership among some of Canada's finest artists and the North Vancouver School District. Its mission, through the sale of original prints created by its artist patrons, is to build an art education legacy for the children of British Columbia. The Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art is home to a stunning collection of work created by its patrons. Artists for Kids provides a variety of art enrichment program opportunities for thousands of students of all ages each year including the popular Paradise Valley Summer School of Visual Art.
This event marks the beginning of Griffin Art Project’s Youth Mentorship Program. Still in its development stages, the main focus of Griffin Art Project’s unique Youth Mentorship Program is to engage North Vancouver secondary students in a series of programs centered on artistic and professional development. Offered in conjunction with Griffin’s Studio Residency Program, this project will create opportunities for youth to engage directly with contemporary cultural producers residing locally, nationally and internationally. Griffin is completely unique in our ability to provide access to artists, curators and writers at the site of their work.
Griffin Art Projects gratefully acknowledges the support of North Vancouver Recreation and Culture, through the Special Projects, New Initiatives & Events in Development Grant Program to undertake this program.
Artists in the Exhibition:
Amelia Burggraf
Jane Yijun Cao
Georgia Devonshire
Isobel Dick
Etanda Elliott
Natalia Coronado Gutierrez Abbey Heard
Linnea Irvine
Diva Liang
Joshua Ma
Clarice Mah
Evelyn McCammon
Evora Mendes
Maggie Moroz
Jenna Moir
Liam Neill
Claire Pan
Lily Pierce
Payton Poesiat
Carmen Shea
Emma Simpson
Alana Spurging
Dana Winkler
Leelee Young