The Something Garden
The Something Garden
January 15 & 16, 2021, 12:00-5:00PM
Paper-Clay Sculptures by AFK’s Studio Art Academy Participants
Asha Calaminus, Julian Castagno, Aisling Crowley, Isobel Dick, Maxx Findlay, Emilia Hale, Willa Inouye, Beatrice Kenny, Kimowin Lavallee, Joshua Ma, Evelyn McCammon, Liam Neill, Sadie Peets, Sawyer Reichelt, Francesca Simpson, Amber Taylor, Lilli Tomalin, Joanna Wei and Kat Zerbes.
Griffin Art Projects is delighted to be kicking off the new year with a special two-day exhibition titled The Something Garden, featuring the works of thirteen North Vancouver high school students in grades 10 – 12. Through the use of recycled materials and the consideration of the juxtaposition of organic and non-organic forms and concepts, these paper-clay sculptures suggest elements of the natural world as much as they do the surreal. This exhibition has been organized in collaboration with Artists for Kids Studio Art Academy, as part of Griffin Art Projects’ Youth Mentorship Program.
The works in this exhibition were produced under the mentorship and guidance of the recent graduate of Emily Carr University of Art and Design’s MFA program, TanTan Hong, who completed a six week residency at Griffin Art Projects in October and November of 2021. TanTan, whose practice and research concern “microorganisms, memories, and world building, connecting the in-between spaces of fictional and historical landscapes birthed by American imperialism” was the recipient of Griffin’s Emily Carr University Education & Outreach Fellowship. TanTan worked with students from AFK’s Studio Art Academy over the course of three sessions, facilitating artmaking workshops and a studio visit.
Griffin is thrilled to continue our partnership with Artists for Kids, whose program offers students the opportunity to develop a personal portfolio each year, increasing confidence in their abilities as artists. Exploration of drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture provide students with a variety of artistic processes, culminating in yearly exhibitions of their work. Intensive studio/classroom work, visits to artists' studios and post-secondary institutions equip students with an understanding of the skills and commitment required to pursue the visual arts in a post-secondary setting. Exposure to a variety of artists during each school term adds to the richness of students' experiences in the AFK Studio Art Academy. Students gain an understanding of trends in contemporary Canadian art and career elements required of successful studio artists.