Christos Dikeakos: The Collectors

September 20 to December 14, 2025

Curated by Lisa Baldissera

Opening reception: Friday, September 19, 2025, 6:00-8:00 PM

Revealing over a decade of research and visits with collectors from British Columbia and internationally, The Collectors presents Christos Dikeakos' photo-portraits of collectors with their collections from across the spectrum. Artists, patrons, curators, writers and art lovers alike, these stunning portraits reveal the inside world of collectors and their collections, providing a close view of the relations to the objects that have held their fascination. Working in collaboration with the support of photographer Barrie Jones, these precise and carefully ordered images reveal intimacy, desire and wonder--and bring the collectors, whose efforts support artists, museums, gallerists and arts ecologies and ultimately audiences--from behind-the-scenes into the fore.

Image above: Christos Dikeakos, Uno Langmann, 2019, inkjet print, 60 x 110 cm
